Implant Restorations


Dental Implants in Carmichael, CA

Replacing missing teeth with dental implants is now the state-of-the-art method of tooth replacement. Dr. Gurkamal Sandhu of Carmichael Smiles in Carmichael is pleased to help her patients complete their smiles with implant dentistry. 

Dr. Sandhu works with some of the most skilled oral surgeons in the Carmichael area to place titanium implants which act as a support for individual crowns or dentures. In close coordination with Dr. Sandhu, the chosen surgeon places the titanium implant in strong areas of the patient’s upper or lower jaw. After this surgery is done, the patient then returns to Carmichael Smiles to complete this procedure. The steps that follow are referred to as
implant restoration.

Preparing for Implants Restorations in Carmichael, CA

With each implant restoration done, Dr. Sandhu is ensuring that her patients have the best solutions for any teeth they are missing. Her care includes providing patients with bone grafting before implants, if needed. A patient who has suffered bone loss during the years they have been missing teeth may need to have this bone restored before implants can be placed. After bone graft surgery, the bone is allowed to heal until it is thicker, stronger and ready for placement of a dental implant. At that point, the patient is referred to the chosen oral surgeon to receive the titanium implants.


Dental Implant Restoration

Once the implant is placed, Dr. Sandhu completes all the remaining steps: designing, manufacturing and placing the new, durable ceramic tooth. This is the service Dr. Sandhu provides with great care for her neighbors in Carmichael, CA 95608. Dr. Sandhu is focused on ensuring that the new replacement tooth is an exact match for her patient’s other teeth and that it fits perfectly into their smile. 

How Dental Implants Replace Missing Teeth

The structure of a dental implant consists of a slender titanium post that is placed in the bone of the jaw as a first step. Then an attachment point called an abutment is added to the top of this post. Finally, a strong ceramic crown is securely fastened to the abutment. When this procedure is complete, a person has a durable tooth that can last the rest of their life when it is properly maintained. 

As an additional benefit, a dental implant provides normal stimulation to the bone of the jaw, just like that bone would receive if there were a natural tooth in that location. Each time the patient bites or chews, this pressure is relayed to the bone of the jaw through the tooth. When there is a missing tooth, there is no stimulation, which results in loss of bone density. Continued stimulation through dental implants helps keep that bone strong and dense. This is how dental implants as tooth replacements enable patients to maintain strong bones in their upper and lower jaws.

Support for Dentures

Dental implants can even be used to support full or partial dentures. To support full dentures, the location for four to six implants is carefully chosen before the implant surgery. As the bone heals, our patient returns to Carmichael Smiles so we can monitor their healing. When the bone has bonded well with the implants, we then design and manufacture the complete dentures that will be attached to the implants.

Implant support provides greater security for a patient’s dentures. They will no longer shift in their mouth or loosen over time. Our patients can eat whatever they want without concern for their dentures. These more-secure dentures are very popular with our patients and constitute a great advancement over the partial and complete dentures of the past. 

For partial dentures, the procedure is much the same, though the number of implants varies with the number of teeth that need to be replaced. 

Many Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer the following unique benefits:

  • They will look and feel just like natural teeth
  • The bottom of the tooth will not have a dark line like crowns often do
  • You may be able to forget you ever lost a tooth because they feel so natural
  • This replacement tooth can last your whole lifetime with the right care
  • They help maintain bone strength 
  • They offer excellent support for dentures
  • They can also be used to anchor bridges
  • You can skip the clasps of partial dentures 

Caring For Our Patients

Whatever care you need to maintain a beautiful smile, Dr. Sandhu is ready to help. From fillings to treatment for gum disease, from emergency dentistry to root canals, Dr. Sandhu does it all for her neighbors in Carmichael, CA. During each visit, Dr. Sandhu focuses not only on the excellence of her care but also the comfort of her patients. It is possible, with the attentiveness of Dr. Sandhu and her staff, to make visits to the dentist positive experiences. All the staff of Carmichael Smiles help make every patient feel welcome and comfortable, even those patients who have not been comfortable in their previous dental offices.

If there is dental care you need to preserve or improve your dental health, Dr. Sandhu will ensure that you understand your recommended treatment plan and the reasons for each procedure. If there are different treatment options available to you, she will explain your choices.

During each procedure, it is important to her and her staff that you understand what steps are being taken before treatment starts. If you have questions or concerns, they will be addressed so that you are as relaxed as possible during your care. 

Receiving Help Timely

At Carmichael Smiles, we provide general, cosmetic, restorative and emergency dentistry services for the residents of Folsom, Granite Bay, Citrus Heights, and Carmichael, CA.

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